The Pass. The Judgement day of plates.

The Pass. The Judgement day of plates.
Bring the finished plates up to the pass for inspection.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back in the Kitchen. Tomorrow, that is.

So I spoke with Chef the other about my application to the French Pastry School in Chicago, and that before I attend, I would like to return to the kitchen for a couple of weeks to train in the dessert section. Chef was kind enough to allow me to do to, and he welcomed me back with a hand shake. He, then, quickly introduced me to the new pastry chef, Laura, and we chatted for a bit about my experiences in Asia and what my plans are for the next few weeks.

Now, I find myself realizing in nervousness that I am actually returning to the kitchen scene after all these years of OFF scene. I'm worried that, what if I am not as good as I used to be, and that I become an embarrassment at work. I don't know. Maybe I worry too much?

In any case, I start my first day of training in the kitchen tomorrow, and I have no idea what to expect. I hope everything will be able, and I'll be able to manage and pull through. I'm sure if I get through the first week of the training, the rest will be just fine.


  1. ummms so you still like updating this site or back at xanga friend? lol

  2. I'm going to update as soon as I find inspiration!
